Introducing the inaugural winner of the MAXIM’s Finest Australia competition, Claudia Jovanovski…
Hey there, Claudia, tell us a bit about yourself.
I was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, but resettled in Sydney, Australia in 2011, and have a mixed heritage ranging from Spanish, Macedonian, South African and Australian. I’m an international cover model, professional bikini-fitness competitor and business owner who is passionate about travel, fashion, food and a cup of coffee that will snap your back. I often travel between South Africa, Australia and the USA — spending most of my time in L.A., Cape Town and Sydney.
Nice. How would describe yourself?
I’m active, independent, funny and down to earth. I was also fortunate to find myself in the company of really good role models early in life, so my work ethic, business acumen and determination drive me each and every day.
What do you do when you’re not posing for MAXIM?
I work six days a week managing my events business in Australia. I’m very hands on with my business and usually spend 10 to 12 hours in the office daily. Outside of work, I enjoy visiting local cafes with my family, which includes
my two beautiful dogs. I get to the gym three to four days a week, which helps me unwind and relax and I also take on modelling jobs from time to time.
You sound like a super-fit woman.
Well, I enjoyed initial success in the international fitness industry after taking home three pro cards, four world titles and multiple wins and placings in under 18 months of competing. My most recent victory was at The Arnold Classic Africa in May this year where I was fortunate enough to win The Bikini-Fitness Open. Yes, you guessed it, I’m one of those people who does all the facial expressions and hand gestures while talking.
When do you feel sexy?
When I do something expressive like dancing, giggling, smiling… I love embracing who I am and I am lucky enough to be comfortable in my body. Hanging around a pool in a bikini isn’t what makes me feel sexy – it’s more than that. For me it is more while living in the moment, enjoying a little dance while listening to a tune I love… maybe even a bunny hop or two. I love it when people see my fun, easygoing nature.
Is this your best asset?
My best asset is my sense of humour and down-to-earth nature, which makes me approachable and easy to relate to. Physically, I love my hands and petite build.
You recently won the first-ever MAXIM’s FINEST Australia competition. What made you enter?
The advertisements on social media caught my attention and I loved the idea of being a MAXIM model. I believed the feature would be a great opportunity to gain exposure and boost my profile and social media following, while raising funds for charity.
Why do you think you won?
Raising the most support for charity and myself through contacts, friends and family. During the competition I reached out to everyone in my business network, family and friends. My supporters jumped at the opportunity to both support me and a worthy cause — the Movember Foundation.
How did you react when you found out you had won?
I was smiling from ear to ear and my mum came running into my room at 100km/h in her PJ’S cheering and dancing. It was, and still is, an incredible feeling.
What’s been happening since you won the competition?
My social media following has gone through the roof with over 10,000-plus new followers since the competition started. In addition, quiet a few people have approached me, referring to me as ‘The MAXM Girl’ and I have had so many people and brands reach out to me throughout the competition. I hope it continues to help me gain exposure and boost my profile.
How do you keep your social media followers coming back for more?
High quality content combined with some insights into my passions and day-to-day life.
What inspires you?
1. Goal setting and planning how to achieve them — this gives me a clear vision and purpose; 2. Positive people – it is contagious; 3. A new environment – whether it’s a new hike location, cafe, suburb or even city; 4. Accomplishment – whether it’s smashing through a large to-do list, getting a gym session under the belt or meeting a target at work, achieving always feels great.
Describe your ideal man.
If I was in a bar full of people my initial attraction would be to a more reserved gentleman who is respectful, intelligent and witty with a great sense of humour. In order for the relationship to last I’d need someone with good values and morals who is respectful, kind, loving, honest, loyal, honourable… I live a fast-paced life and am constantly on the go, which means I need someone driven, positive, and emotionally stable. Just be genuine with no pretense. There is nothing more refreshing than someone who is down to earth and genuine.
What’s the worst pick-up line you’ve ever heard from a guy?
“Are you Australian? Because you meet all my koala-fications!”
What is your perfect date?
I prefer a first date to be in a laidback environment so we are both at ease, relaxed and able to get to know each other as much as possible. I live an active lifestyle, and also like to break the ice, so a winning second date would be something athletic and interactive.
Finally, finish this sentence: Public nudity is…
Encouraged. ■
Status Update
NAME: Claudia Jovanovski
BORN: February 4, 1993
HOMETOWN: Cape Town, South Africa
LIVES: Sydney, NSW
JOB: “Business owner and bikini-fitness model.”
HOBBIES: “Research. I am a health and fitness enthusiast. Hormones, nutrition and how the body works and responds really fascinates me.”
HIDDEN TALENT: “Dancing. I am a passionate, high-energy and very expressive person. I feel dancing is a platform which incorporates all of those aspects as you have the freedom to move the way you are feeling and express yourself.”
FAVOURITE FOOD: “Japanese tops my list when it comes to dining out.”
GO-TO DRINKS: “Red wine, vodka soda or tequila.”
HANGOVER CURE: “Coconut water or fresh watermelon.”
GIRL CRUSH: “Emma Watson. She is cute, intelligent, well-spoken and seems kind.”
BEDTIME ATTIRE: “I wear my Lion King PJs in winter and nothing when the weather is warmer.”
INSTAGRAM: @claudia.jovanovski
For the full article grab the July 2018 issue of MAXIM Australia from newsagents and convenience locations. Subscribe here.