Getting to know the sexy Instagram model, Art Therapy student and part-time horseback rider…
What are some of your hidden qualities?
I have a really big heart but sometimes I can come off a little hard to people. Most people wouldn’t know I wear my heart on my sleeve but I do.
Do you have any unconventional passions?
Painting. I am an avid art lover and even paint watercolours in my spare time. My most unusual hobby would probably be horseback riding. Not many people ride horses these days but I have been riding for many years and it is my favourite thing to do in the world.
What is your secret to keeping in good shape?
I actually horseback ride regularly and most people wouldn’t expect that to be a workout but it absolutely is. Riding horses forces you to use all of your muscles – especially arms and legs – to maintain your posture, balance and also guide the horse. It’s an incredible work out and truly helps me stay super fit.
What is your personal definition of…
ELEGANCE: Someone who carries themselves with class and dignity.
SENSUALITY: To be in touch with your own body and in touch with yourself.
CHARISMA: Being both charming and captivating.
What’s something you do better than most guys?
Truthfully, I can approach men much better than most men can approach women! I would have no problem striking up a conversation with a man I was interested in. Confidence is key!
What is a false myth about attracting women?
There is a myth that girls don’t like good guys. We love good guys and we want good guys! We just don’t want men who don’t have confidence and strength. We just want guys with good hearts that are well rounded. Maybe a good guy with a little “bad boy” attitude?
Give us two tips for men on seducing a woman.
1. Try to capture a woman’s attention using your intellect. If you are witty or can challenge her mentally that is even sexier than being the most handsome guy in the room. 2. It’s okay to be shy but don’t be timid, women are attracted to confidence.
How do you go managing social media accounts and comments?
I try not to spend too much time worrying about how often I post on Instagram, but I focus more on sharing content I love that really shows who I am as a person and not only as a model. I love getting comments that are engaging – for example, when people ask me interesting questions. I love talking to people and having discussions so comments that are questions are always welcomed. And, of course, respectful compliments I always love as well.
What big things do you have coming up?
Well, MAXIM Australia is a big deal as well as a few other wonderful features this year. I also have several horse competitions coming up that I’d like to win and I’ll be getting my Bachelor’s degree in Art Therapy this year!