
Kateryna Launbraun

A Ukrainian-born model and nursing student shares her journey to New York, her passion for the arts, and her aspirations in the fashion and entertainment industry.

Tell us a bit about your shoot—where and when it took place, the concept behind it, and any other interesting details…
The shoot took place at the Plaza Hotel, which added an elegant and classic vibe to the session. We aimed to capture a sense of timeless beauty and sophistication in the photos.

Were there any funny anecdotes from the shoot that you can share?
During the shoot, the fire alarm suddenly went off in the hotel! We all had to rush out of the building, and I was still in full glam and outfit. Thankfully, it was a false alarm, and we all had a good laugh before returning to the shoot.

When do you feel sexy and why?
Honestly, I feel sexy all the time! I receive compliments frequently, from both women and men, which certainly boosts my confidence and makes me feel empowered.

What would you say is your best asset—both physically and otherwise?
Physically, I’d say my face—it often draws a lot of attention. Otherwise, my best asset is my strong character. I’m resilient and always stay true to myself, no matter the situation.

Give us a little more background about yourself and your life story so far.
I was born in Ukraine, in the beautiful city of Odesa, along the shores of the Black Sea. Odesa is often called the cultural capital of Ukraine, and I grew up surrounded by creativity. From a young age, I was drawn to the arts, studying vocal performance, ballet, and even took acting lessons at the Odesa Film Studio. Although I hold an Associate of Science in Nursing and plan to continue my studies in medicine, my heart is always pulled toward the arts. When I moved to New York in 2022, I was captivated by the city’s energy—its theatres, museums, exhibitions, and, most notably, its fashion. It felt like being transported back to my creative childhood, only on a much grander scale. I’ve also had the opportunity to study at the New York Film Academy (NYFA), where I’m exploring new opportunities in modelling and acting, hoping to one day land on stage or in film.

What would people be most surprised to know about you?
Most people might be surprised to know that, despite being involved in fashion and modelling, I actually have a degree in nursing. I also love cooking and gardening—things people might not typically associate with someone in the modelling world.

How would you describe yourself in five words?
Elegant, kind, creative, ambitious, and resilient.

How long have you been modelling, and what would you do if you weren’t modelling?
I’ve been modelling for a few years now, and it’s been an incredible journey. If I weren’t modelling, I’d probably be focusing more on acting or working in the medical field. With my nursing background, I’ve always had an interest in helping people, but the arts are where my passion truly lies.

What have you learned about men over the years?
As Marilyn Monroe said, “A wise girl knows her limits, a smart girl knows that she has none.” I’ve learned that men appreciate confidence and independence, and those who respect you for who you truly are are the ones worth keeping around.

What’s one thing men should always know about women?
Men should always know that women appreciate honesty above all. Being genuine and straightforward goes a long way in building trust and connection.

What do you look for in a man?
I look for power, a strong character, leadership, generosity, and strong family values. A man who is confident and capable but also kind and supportive stands out to me.

Describe your ideal date.
My ideal date would start with a Michelin-star dinner, enjoying an unforgettable meal, followed by either attending a fantastic show or indulging in some fun shopping. A mix of elegance, excitement, and a bit of luxury!

What can we get you at the bar?
A glass of dry white wine—always a classic choice for me.

Got a hangover cure?
Sleep, a good breakfast, and some fresh air—that usually does the trick for me!

What’s your best hidden talent?
I can touch my nose with my tongue—it’s a fun party trick that never fails to surprise people!

Do you have any phobias?
I have a bit of a fear of deep water—something about not being able to see what’s below makes me uneasy.

Who is your girl crush and why?
Honestly, my girlfriends! They are all beautiful, strong, and inspiring in their own unique ways. I admire them so much.

What’s the strangest or most unusual thing someone has sent you on social media?
I’ve come across some strange things, but nothing too memorable—yet!

What is your motto in life?
“Money and beauty can open doors, but it’s your character and kindness that keep them open.”

What’s next for you? Any exciting projects on the horizon you can share with us?
I’m excited to start working with different brands in NYC, mostly focusing on lingerie brands. It’s an exciting time for me, and I’m looking forward to where these collaborations will take me!

Where would you like to be in five years?
In five years, I see myself happy with my husband and kids, balancing family life while continuing to pursue my passions in the fashion and entertainment world.


FULL NAME: Kateryna Launbraun
HOMETOWN: Odesa, Ukraine 
BORN: February 19, 2003
INSTAGRAM: @kateryna_launbraun 
TikTok: katarina111999 

HMU (Hair & Makeup): Tanya Strukova

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