Russian-born beauty, Australian Survivor star and one of MAXIM’s finest models, VALERIA SIZOVA, talks up the game, alliances and facing the ultimate test in physical and mental strength…
Hello, Valeria. You were born in Russia but have lived in Australia for years. What’s your favourite thing about your heritage?
The rich ancient history, multifaceted culture and our passionate, hard-working and talented people who are prominent figures in the world of sport, ballet, painting and classical music. I also love the fact that anytime I want to sound authoritative and
get everyone’s attention, I just switch on my Russian accent and people listen twice as attentive.

Is that how you scored a role on this year’s season of Australian Survivor?
Haha, no! Despite the fact I usually know what my plans are several years in advance, landing a spot on Season 9 of Australian Survivor was an unexpected move. As a kid, I was hooked on the Russian Survivor, but little did I know I’d be living my own survival story Down Under. Life is just one big tribal council, and joining the show was my destiny!
Why do you think the show’s producers chose you?
They must have seen my love for competition, paired with my epic saga of relocating to Australia post-high school – from landing my first job to mastering English, making friends and navigating the cultural maze. It’s like they thought, “This person can thrive on stress, let’s test it one more time!” Survivor isn’t just a game, it’s a crash course in life. You need years of experiences, the rollercoaster of ups and downs and a PhD in handling tribal council stress. Surviving this game is the testimonial to your mental, emotional and physical stability – and, in that sense, the producers loved seeing me challenge myself.

What was the biggest challenge you faced on Australian Survivor?
Getting along with people you’ve never met before and trying to form an alliance in such a short period of time, but make it authentic, is truly an art. I mean, at work, you can endure the office weirdo because you’re not handcuffed together around the clock. But on Survivor, you want to make genuine connections and those people who seem like a threat, you want to keep them close to benefit your game. Survivor was a mastering art of my social game plan and I definitely got better, socially, being under so much pressure and using my gut feeling to align with the best people in tribe.

What’s the weirdest thing that happened to you on set?
The weirdest thing about the whole game is, after blindsiding someone, you end up going back to the camp and sleeping side by side with the very tribe members you just played a sneaky voting game against. It’s a bizarre element and the ultimate test of strength – physically and emotionally. Who needs a lullaby when you have the sweet serenade of potential tribal council nightmares? It’s the kind of bonding experience you never signed up for!
Is there anything you would’ve done differently on the show?
Well, let’s dive into my fashion decisions – were they genius choices for Survivor? Definitely not. Would I make the same choices again? Absolutely!… maybe with a few tweaks. Lesson learned – the mosquito-infested way – never skimp on long pants unless you want to become a late-night snack for bugs. Fashion tip for the wild: mosquitoes are not your biggest fans, but they do appreciate a good runway show.

What’s it like behind the scenes when the cameras aren’t rolling?
It’s a hidden circus of intensity. Sure, we’re like secret agents, limited in our chatter to keep the drama on tape, but off-camera it’s like a thought marathon. My brain is in overdrive, doing game play rewinds and reflecting on what just happened and what’s to come. I did enjoy our off-camera moments as it gave me some time to reflect on things or come up with the next move.
How would you best describe your overall experience on Australian Survivor?
It’s definitely one of the best experiences of my life. The cast of people I met on the show is just mind blowing. Their intelligence, diversity, wisdom, knowledge of the game – there were so many opportunities for me to learn from every single one of them. And where else would you meet a diplomat, a lawyer, a powerlifter, cinema manager, paramedic, firefighter, or a math teacher in one room?

Do you have any regrets?
None. I’ve formed an alliance dream team and ended up with genuine connections with who I share common values and legacies. Survivor definitely tested my limits in each aspect, but all its proven is that before your brain ticks, your gut feeling will lead you to the right decisions. Playing under the sky of Survivor gods definitely boosted my confidence in making solid choices in people and trusting my gut.

What is the biggest misconception about reality TV?
Probably the most popular question I get asked is if Survivor is all for real. People still think there’s a hotel room waiting for us at the end of each day, but no – Survivor is as real as it gets! Elements of nature, no midnight snacks, no showers, brushing your teeth or hair. Oh, and don’t forget the 24/7 camera party – there’s no such thing as “alone time” when you are on national television!
Would you ever do another reality TV show and if so, which one?
I feel like after my intense but fun Survivor experience, every reality show feels like a breeze compared to the outwitting, outplaying and outlasting game! I definitely have my eye on The Amazing Race, as it looks adventurous and you have pit stops to rest at – sounds like a luxury vacation to me. Sign me up now!

What’s the best way to relax?
The Russian way – naked sauna session followed by jumping in a cold pool, or the snow, for a quick cool down. And no, it’s not intended to kill you, there are heaps of health benefits like increased blood flow, boosting the immune system, reducing stress, improving sleep… so you are pretty much becoming a better version of yourself.
What would people be surprised to learn about you?
Despite my highly-busy social life, I am a total homebody.

Lastly, tell us about your new venture.
My time on Survivor motivated me to act on an idea I’d been harboring for years, and now I run Valeria’s Odyssey Experiences. It’s a tailor-made experience exclusively for women, offering beauty and beyond tours. I curate women’s journeys of self-discovery through training, dance practice, catwalk and posing classes, stunning photo shoots and conversations about nutrition, daily stress or common misconceptions hindering women from feeling confident and empowered. It’s a concept in the realm of beauty and health. I’m thrilled to launch my first tour this coming April, assisting women in redefining their journey towards an inspiring version of themselves, ready to conquer the world.
NAME: Valeria Sizova
BORN: July 3
HOME TOWN: Vladivostok, Russia
LIVES: Sydney, NSW
FIVE WORD SELF-DESCRIPTION: “Fun, unapologetic, straightforward, sensual, nurturing.”
FAVOURITE DRINK: “Lychee Martini please.”
LIFE MOTTO: “Life is too short to spend it at war with yourself.”
INSTAGRAM: @Valeria.sizova
Photographed by Corrina Louise
Interview by Santi Pintado
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